Managed Services for Domino Applications
A fully customisable and highly flexible set of solutions capable of delivering hosting, application management and infrastructure support for a predictable monthly fee.
HCL, IBM & Microsoft Licence Support
HCL, IBM & Microsoft Software Licensing can be a complex business. Failing to understand and respond to it can prove to be very costly to your organisation. We can find you the best license deal appropriate to your needs and if you are new to HCL, IBM or Microsoft licensing, we can help you find your way through the maze.
Case Study: Bayer
Migrating, Hosting and Supporting business critical HCL Domino applications to maintain business operations at Bayer Crop Sciences.
Managed File Transfer/EDI
PathFinder is a fully functional data exchange tool, which can be used anywhere there is a requirement to move an electronic business document between separate computer systems in a secure, controlled, monitored and reliable environment.
Case Studies: EDI
Discover how PathFinder helped these customers meet their data transfer challenges to improve business outcomes.