For the last 9 - 12 months I have been doing a lot of work extracting data from Notes/Domino for use in other systems. This included Notes Rich Text data and so needed to convert it to a mixture of plain text and/or HTML. Unfortunately, the environment was running ND 9.0.1 FPx and upgrading to a more recent version was not an option, so I could not take advantage of some of the newer features such as the NotesRichTextItem convertToHTML function. In the end I used C API functions (called from Lotusscript) to convert any rich text items to HTML which worked great.
However, recently I needed more control over the HTML that was being generated when it came to fonts. I was already using the HTML conversion option "XMLCompatibleHTML=1" so I could have tried to process the generated HTML and make the required alterations, however my investigations also found the following two pages:
This was just what I needed, so gave it a try.
First, just setting FontConversion=1 did result in some differences, as illustrated in the following table.
Without FontConversion=1 | With FontConversion=1 |
<font size="5" color="#ffffff" face="Arial">Document Header</font> | <font size="4" color="#ffffff" face="Arial">Document Header</font> |
<s>Strikethrough text</s> | <font size="2" face="sans-serif"><s>Strikethrough text</s></font> |
<tt>Default monospace text</tt> | <tt><font size="2">Default monospace text</font></tt> |
Default serif text | <font size="2" face="serif">Default serif text</font> |
Default sans-serif text | <font size="2" face="sans-serif">Default serif text</font> |
Default user interface text | <font size="2">Default user interface text</font> |
Default multilingual text | <font size="2">Default multilingual text</font> |
However, I really needed to try and replace the <font> tags with <span> tags that used style and/or class attributes. So I tried some of the other settings as documented, but they did not appear to work.
So I raised a ticket with HCL support and eventually got a list of new settings to try, but unfortunately they did not come with any instructions! So it was a case of trying each setting with a number of different values to see how it affected the HTML generated by Domino. Anyway, incase anyone else has a similar need, I hope the information below is useful.
First, there are a number of "spec" settings:
- FontFaceMonospaceSpec
- FontFaceSerifSpec
- FontFaceSansSerifSpec
- FontFaceSpecificSpec
- FontColorSpec
- FontSizeSpec
- FontStyleBoldSpec
- FontStyleItalicSpec
- FontStyleUnderlineSpec
- FontStyleStrikethroughSpec
These appear to use values 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 to indicate how the HTML should be generated for each of the different settings, e.g.
- 0 (none) - do not generate anything for the spec
- 1 (native) - use the default HTML generation for the spec
- 2 (outer span tag with style attribute) - surround any native tag with a <span> tag that specifies a style attribute, e.g. <span style="font-family: sans-serif ; ">........</span>
- 4 (inner font tag with style attribute) - use a <font> tag with a style attribute inside any native tag, e.g. == <font style="font-family: sans-serif ; ">........</font>
- 8 (native tag with style attribute - only applicable if there is a native tag) - use the native tag with a style attribute, e.g. <tt style="font-family: monospace">........</tt>
- 16 (outer span tag with class attribute) - surround any native tag with a <span> tag that specifies a class attribute, e.g. <span class="domino-font-sansserif ">........</span>
- 32 (native tag with class attribute - only applicable if there is a native tag) - use the native tag with a class attribute, e.g. <tt class="domino-font-monospace">........</tt>
Then there are a number of "tag" settings to configure if an extra tag should be used inside whatever is generated by the "spec" setting:
- FontStyleBoldTag
- FontStyleItalicTag
- FontStyleUnderlineTag
- FontStyleStrikethroughTag
The available options (at least in ND 9.0.1) appear to be:
- 0 (none) - do not generate tag
- 1 (native / default) - generate a native tag (<b> for bold, <u> for underline, <i> for italic and <s> for strikethrough)
- 2 (span) - generate a <span> tag
- 3 (em) - generate an <em> tag
- 4 (strong) - generate a <strong> tag
- 5 (mark) - generate a <mark> tag
So there are plenty of options / combinations available.
For my own needs, to replace <font> tags with <span> tags, it was a case of setting all the "spec" options to 2 and the "tag" options to 0.
e.g. without the settings, the resulting HTML was:
<font size="4" color="#ffffff" face="Arial">Document Header</font>
but with the additional HTML conversion options set I now get:
<span style="font-family: Arial ; font-size: 15pt ; color: #ffffff ; ">Document Header</span>
Whilst I am using these options with C API functions, I would hope they also work if specified via other methods such as:
- Setting the DominoHTMLOptions notes.ini to control conversion at a server level
- Adding a $$HTMLOptions field to a form to control conversion at a form level
- Adding one or more $$HTMLOptions_fieldname field(s) to a form to control conversion at an individual field level
However, I have not yet had the opportunity to test these other methods.
Hi Simon,
Excellent write-up. Just a shame convertToHTML appears to be no longer supported. With this page saying
“The convertToHTML method for the NotesRichTextItem class (LotusScript and Java) is not supported. References to it have been removed from the English web version of the Domino Designer Basic User Guide and Reference.”