HCL & IBM Software Licensing can be a complex business. Failing to understand and respond to it can prove to be very costly to your organisation.
Even if you do receive a license renewals quote and respond directly in order to renew – you will be buying at the full SRP. As a Platinum Business Partner, Intec are likely to be able to reduce these costs for you.
We can find you the best license deal appropriate to your needs and if you are new to IBM or HCL licensing, we can help you find your way through the maze.
Our Team work closely with HCL & IBM and have direct access to the appropriate licensing teams. Our experience and knowledge of the HCL & IBM license programmes, enables us to find the best deal for our customers and gives us access to the best offers, bundles and packages available.
For example did you know;
That in many cases you don’t need HCL Domino Server licensing?
That you can purchase enterprise per user licenses that bundle a group of products together?
That If you fail to renew your maintenance at the correct time then reinstatement will cost an additional 50% over the price of standard maintenance.
With our licensing team monitoring and tracking your contract details we can help to ensure you renew on time.
However, that’s just the start. You also need reassurance that;
The quantities stated in the renewal are still valid (they may need to be adjusted up or down)
The products stated in the renewal are still the most appropriate for you
There are no promotions that would provide a more cost effective solution
Your Business Partner is working to give you the best price possible
Intec have proven experience of doing precisely this.
Request a Call from Intec
If you would like to know more about Intec’s IBM Licencing Services, how it could benefit your organisation or more about Intec’s wide range of IT solutions, request a call back here
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