On Friday I picked up a message on Watson Workspace from lifetime IBM Champion Theo Heselmans asking for someone to confirm an issue with private views. One of the strengths of the IBM Champion community is that everyone is willing to take personal time to help and Theo was the first to accept an abstract to speak at BLUG back in 2010. A short while later we I had confirmed a problem with Shared Private on First Use views.
Fortunately, as Theo was able to confirm a little time later, it was an issue that had already been identified and resolved and blogged about by another IBM Champion, Daniel Nashed. It’s under SPR JVEKAQSGCC – which says private views are not showing in Domino Designer. The actual issue is a bit bigger, the private version of the view doesn’t get saved in the NSF at all. As I’ve found from a project over the summer your private version of the view can be accessed vie database.getViews() by verifying it as a Private rather than a Shared Private on First Use. ODA makes that easier and with ODA there are ways to access the private versions of all users.
The good news is the issue is fixed in IF2. The chances are that, as a developer or admin, you’re probably not aware whether any database has a Shared Private on First Use view, so I would recommend that if you install FP9 on the server, that you also install IF2.
Also, it demonstrates the benefit of IBM Champions. Without Theo’s message and subsequent notification, I wouldn’t have known about it. And Daniel’s blog post publishes the details of fixes more widely. So if you know anyone worthy of being an IBM Champion, now is the season to nominate them. It’s even better to nominate someone who is yet to be an IBM Champion.
For anyone searching for the private first use folder issue the error messages are “Index is not to be generated on server” or “ERR_NO_REMOTE_INDEX”. In our case there was no error message as it was a scripted process – very frustrating
Thanks to Paul for taking the time to post this. It is a shame that IBM are not more pro-active posting tech notes with error messages – when I searched for these errors all I got were BS technotes saying FIN ( closed ) to be fixed in a future release – “http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO65519”