Like many XPages developers, I run a local Domino server installed on my laptop. There are a number of reasons for that:
- Building an application is quicker when it’s on the same PC.
- SSJS sessionAsSigner doesn’t work if there are multiple signers for design elements in use on the page. (I’m assuming that’s still the case; it was in 8.5.2 and I don’t envisage it being functionality that could easily be changed.)
- I suspect there are similar issues with Java sessionAsSigner.
- Java beans get discarded during a build if there are changes to the classes involved. That can cause problems if another developer is trying to test something that does a partial refresh on a page that uses that bean.
Understandably, administrators do not want local Domino servers on the same domain as production environments. Using a separate domain means test users can quickly be set up, groups can be different and there’s no risk of contamination of production environments. When I expressed frustration at switching IDs to access my local Domino server, Nathan Freeman stepped in to show me how easy it was to cross-certify other IDs for it, in exchange for me blogging it. So the title of this blog post is also an homage to Nathan.
You’re going to need:
- Notes Administrator and access to your local Domino server.
- Ideally the physical Notes ID you want to use on your local Domino server.
- The cert ID for the server and its password (hopefully you kept careful note of those when installing your server).
In Administrator, access your local Domino server and go to the Configuration tab. Expand the Certification section in the right sidebar and click on Cross Certify…. In the resulting dialog box, select your local Domino server and the location of the cert ID for it.
You will then have to enter the password for the cert ID. The next dialog will prompt you to select the ID to be cross-certified.
The final dialog box will confirm the details and allow you to issue the cross certificate.
You’re then prompted whether or not you want to cross certify more IDs. If you’re finished, click No.
Don’t forget to add this ID into relevant groups to access the server and, if necessary, run XPages, agents etc. I created a group to hold this ID and and customer IDs I also want to be able to access my local Domino server with.
The first time you access the server you may be warned that you cannot authenticate the server and asked if you want to continue. But you’ll be able to access your local Domino server from the ID now. You can pull down copies of databases to that local server, refresh design to and from it, and work as you want.
Och-aye. Gone are the days a dev properly learns his admin skills to be able to become CLP.
To all developers: Read the admin help. If it seems daunting, just pick a really old one, like for R5. (Google help5_admin.nsf ) The concepts in those still largely apply. Then read the later versions to update.
Pingback: My Cross Certifying Problem on Domino | The Domino Elf – Hogne B. Pettersen's Social Biz Blog
There are still som trap falls here, like the one I just experienced, but managed to solve ->